Short Courses

We have short courses that enable upskilling in industry. Complete each unit at your own pace and participate in the group study forums for greater learning and industry knowledge.


Induction Course for Work Place Health and Safety


Understanding the Queensland Prescribed Text List for English and EAL

This course relates to the Prescribed Text List for English and English as an Additional Language. If you are looking for our course on the Prescribed Text List for Literature. Click here. If you or your child are studying both, then we recommend both courses can be taken.

white pink and yellow blister packs

Medication Policy

This policy provides guidance on the best use of medications including its storage, administration and documentation, promotes improved health outcomes for participants, and minimises risks of inappropriate use or harm.

hand, butterfly, clouds

Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation (Safeguarding) Policy

Abuse, neglect, and exploitation can happen to anyone regardless of race, gender, age or any other characteristic, every person has the right to live life free from abuse, neglect, or harm. As an organisation that provides supports and services within the NDIS framework we are committed to upholding the wellbeing and safety of all individuals that encounter the organisation.

lego, legomaennchen, males

Onboarding SOS Support

An overview of onboarding requirements for new staff at SOS Support Services

rescue, salvage operation, mountain rescue

Incident Management Policy

The Incident Management Policy defines incidents including serious incidents and incidents which are reportable to the NDIS Quality and safeguards Commission.

feedback, survey, nps

Feedback & Complaints Management Policy

This policy is about the complaints made to the organisation, not the NDIS.
All complaints are taken seriously, all individuals are treated fairly, and all corrective actions are completed in a timely manner.

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Advocacy Policy

Disability advocacy is to promote, protect and defend the human rights of people with disability. Particularly those who face complex challenges or who may be unable to advocate for themselves

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Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Now, more than ever before, you can be in control of when and where you want to learn.

The 21st century list of skills and expectations of employers is ever increasing and diverse. Build your tool kit.

Different courses offer different pathways but all enrich and nourish to kick start new energies levels and knowledge

Experienced teachers and trainers who are passionate about their area of expertise have created these courses and run them, reaching out directly to enrolled students via online platforms

What Our Students Have to Say

The range of resources for education have been great for me. I am a student teacher who is upskilling on the new Qld system.
Kelvin Black
Gympie, Qld
I'm so excited to see a course on aroma psychology. I had heard about this in the States last year but now I can enrol in an Aussie based online course.
Emily Cowan
From Newcastle
My interest area is compliance. So to see that there was a course on policies and compliance in Disability was perfect.
Jake Jones
Joondalup, Perth
I have enjoyed the creative writing courses. I've worked in finance for 12 years and doing a few courses in creativity gives me balance and opportunity to think out of the box.
Oliver Brownn